There are no words I can say that would express how I feel about these two lovely girlies.. Friends? No. Sisters? No. Angels?? YES!!
They certainly are angels.. I am eternally in-debt to them.. Their kindness, generosity, sweetness, loving nature makes them a pair of the BEST people I have come across in my life..
I wish I can say more but I am lost for words.. So I will simply wish them a HAPPY BIRTHDAY..
ANONY & ZAWI :* :*
Love u both :*
<3 <3
FourMe elaaa al abaaad :D :D
" I am eternally in-debt to them" - hmmmm ya3ni etha 7asaltay el Graff ra7 ta36eni eyaa ?? looool
Happy B-Day 2 them
Allah y5aleehom lech
Happy b'day ya 7lwaat..el3mr killa Inshalla!<3
Rabbi y5alleehn lich, sweetness..
*..And this was just to save my ass frm gettin' kicked!;P(jk)*
Happy Birthday to them wel3omer killa nshalah! Allah y5alehom lech ya rb :*
happy birthday twins! ;)
3asallah ekhaleekum 7g ba3ath wala eghayir 3alaikum..
kil 3am wuhma ibkhair..o ya7athhum feech wallah:*
Thanks everyone for your lovely wishs :D
awwww happy bday<3
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