So much for optimism and being hopeful :(
Started the first day of April with doctor appointment, blood tests, 4 X-Rays, and news of being admitted into hospital on Tuesday for some more tests :(
I hate hospitals and I'm afraid of needles :(
If Feb was an asshole to me, it seems like April is going to fuck me :(
i HOPE i will be fine and it's not as serious as it could be:(
Even though the least of it is serious bs inshalaa not the worse case scenario.. Alf il7amdillah 3ala kil 7al :(
matshooofeen shar! I really hope u feel better and get well soon! :*
11th st:
shar mayeech dear, inshalaa.. thank u :*
Inshalla inshalla this is the worst of it, and from here on things will only look up. Hang in there.
baby inshallah ur gonna be fine
salamtich matshoufeen shar and keep us updated
fourme mamaty salamat :(
wats wrong 7beeby laish admission :(
inshala.. Alah ysma3 minich.
Alah ysalmich.. shar mayeech dear thank u..
ysalmich hun.. back problem is worse then I could have ever imagined :( extensive tests :(
ma 3alaych shar inshalla,, stay strong xxx :(
ma tshofeen shar, inshallah u will feel better once they know what's wrong and start ur treatment:)
let me know how things go 7beeby...6amneena 3laich :(
matshofeeen shar... its ok dear.. walah sometimes things get soo bad only 3ashn a brighter end @ the other side.. nu wont feel full happines if somehow we didnt suffer @ 1 point...
kepp ur faith strong n hang on.. it will be ok isnahalha..
shar mayeech dear.. inshalaa
shar mayeech dear, inshala I hope so
will do :(
shar mayeech dear.. I know and alf il7amdilaa but I can't help being scared :( Alah ysahil inshala
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